Monday, February 17, 2014


  1. Comments to me :
  1. Daniyal Khan  - This looks good, but need some images to visualize the game's essence
  1. Matt Fishman - Add some images
  1. John Aromando - Maybe explain how Tag, Hide and Seek, and Manhunt tie in to Prison Break.
  1. Comments from me:
  1. To Matt Fishman - Generic layout, maybe add some images, play around with the layout. Make it more aesthetically appealing. 
  1. Brian Esienberg - Fix your layout a bit, white spaces are inconsistent. Also try adding images and playing around with the layout.
  1. John Aromando - Nice description, add some images. Make the layout more appealing and eye catching

I'm going to add more images and change around my layout a bit. I'm also going to expand my description of my game more. I feel as though there isn't enough information to effectively "pitch" this game idea. I'm going to add pictures of children running and hiding, to link the two to hide and seek and manhunt. 

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