Tuesday, April 22, 2014


PROJECT 12-Participation EXTRA CREDIT.

My lightning needs to be fixed because a lot of my image is very dark. I also didn't angle my camera correctly because you can still see the grid plane in the background.

PROJECT 12-Participation

My stick figures were disproportionate , and my shading could have been done better. I should have distinguished the main character and the enemies better.

PROJECT 12-Concept Development

PROJECT 12-Research

PROJECT 11-Deliverable

Stickem must retrieve the orb of enlightenment from his nemesis Stickum. He must travel through the forest and find their fortress infiltrate it and defeat all the enemies on each floor to reach the top boss. There are multiple ninjas on every floor including obstacles that he must achieve. Sitckem is extremely fast, can fight extremely well, and is very smart. However although he can fight very well with his hands, he struggles using weapons. He is also not invincible so , guns etc do a lot of damage.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Project 11 Participation

Matt Fishman
I cant really see the overall texture, but from afar it doesn't look stretched or squashed.The brick pattern looks realistic but I think the lighting can be improved a lot. In some of the pictures you have very hard lightning in which I can see circles overlapping each other.

Brian Eisenberg
I think the walls are a bit too short because the texture suggests that the walls are made up of three bricks. The texture doesn't looked stretched or squashed though. I think if the walls were higher or the bricks were smaller it would look more realistic. I think the lighting is pretty well done, although I believe you could have made more dramatic lightning to indicate more depth. The bump map is well done but could be improved


Project 11 - Extra Credit

PROJECT 11-Concept Development

PROJECT 11-Research